What is Teleprompter?

What is Teleprompter?

Studio Teleprompter

A teleprompter is a device that allows the operator to read or write text from a script in front of a video picture. This is often done at live news events, where the person reading the script will be seen on camera while they are doing so.

In the early days of television, teleprompters were used only by news anchors and commentators. Nowadays they are commonly used by actors and other professionals in the entertainment industry as well as by politicians, business people and high profile individuals such as sports stars or entertainers.

The main difference between a normal prompter (used for live broadcasts) and a studio prompter (used during rehearsals) is that the latter has a built-in computer screen that allows it to display video images and also contains an audio input connection so that any audio feed can be added to or subtracted from whatever is displayed onscreen.

A teleprompter can help an actor improve their performance by preventing them from looking away from the audience when reading their lines, or by preventing them from having to memorize lines for later use

What is Teleprompter?

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